Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The Zimbabwe Youth Development Programme for Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Social Action

Facilitated by

Global Workforce Solutions (Pvt) Ltd
‘Specialists in innovative workforce management and migration advisory solutions’

P.O Box HD 56

E-mail: consultgws@gmail.com

Tel: +263 913 002 275 (Zimbabwe)
Tel: +27835 508 748 (South Africa)


The objective of the programme is to broaden leadership, entrepreneurial skills and economic opportunities for disadvantaged youth in Zimbabwe through targeted initiatives for young people that contribute to their development as individuals and to the development of their communities.


The creation of the inclusive government by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai of the MDC and President Robert Mugabe of ZANU-PF early this year has created tremendous potential for economic and social development. The protracted political and economic crisis witnessed between 1999 and 2008 had unleashed significant suffering amongst the vulnerable groups in society such as the youth, women and children. The economic meltdown saw the deepening in the incidence of poverty and unemployment. This made the possibility of achieving any of the relevant Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) for Zimbabwe (particularly MDG 1 relating to the eradication of poverty) remote. Today, Zimbabwe’s work is cut out. Not only has the country to restore civil and other constitutional liberties as a basis for full re-engagement with the international community, but the country must also come up with viable policy interventions to deal with myriad economic and social challenges. A key socio-economic challenge is that of deepening youth unemployment in Zimbabwe. Young people need support and guidance in facing the many challenges of today as well as emerging ones. Youths of Zimbabwe should be encouraged and empowered to participate actively in addressing societal problems. This calls for a multi-sectoral approach involving business, donors, government and educationists aimed at mainstreaming youth development in the policy-making process. It is against this backdrop that Global Workforce Solutions has designed the Zimbabwe Youth Development Programme for Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Social Action aimed at broadening leadership, entrepreneurial skills and economic opportunities for disadvantaged youth in Zimbabwe through targeted initiatives for young people that contribute to their development as individuals and to the development of their communities.

Programme Goals

1. To equip Zimbabwean youths with leadership skills and technical competencies critical in assisting them to grow as individuals and prime-movers in the development of their communities
2. To recognise excellence in youth leadership, entrepreneurship and social action through the award of the prestigious ‘Leadership Champion’
3. To work closely with other key stakeholders in the crafting of a holistic, non-partisan and dynamic Youth Development Strategy for Zimbabwe
4. To facilitate the sharing of knowledge in the area of best-practice youth development approaches locally, regionally and internationally and to build upon these.

Programme Content

The Zimbabwe Youth Development Programme for Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Social Action curriculum is structured around Character Development, Skills Development, and Competency-Based Outcomes. Run twice a year, this unique programme equips about 40 youth interns with vital leadership skills and technical competencies that contribute to their development as individuals and to the development of their communities. Please send an e-mail to: consultgws@gmail.com to request detailed programme curriculum.

Programme Facilitator

The Zimbabwe Youth Development for Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Social Action is the brainchild of Shereni Itayi Jongwe- the Principal Consultant and Founder of Global Workforce Solutions who is also the Principal Facilitator of the programme. Anthony has worked as Deputy Dean and acting Dean of Students at the University of Zimbabwe where he has come to appreciate the dynamics of youth issues and challenges in Zimbabwe.

The programme relies on the expertise of other facilitators currently on its database but also welcomes other experts who are interested in working with Global Workforce Solutions under this programme. To join our dedicated team of facilitators, please send your detailed CV highlighting areas of strength and at least three names of contactable referees to: consultgws@gmail.com

Programme Focus

The success of this programme hinges on sound and fruitful collaborations amongst various stakeholders. To that extent, interested stakeholders are strongly urged to contact Global Workforce Solutions with specific suggestions/advice on how best the Zimbabwe Youth Development Programme on Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Social Action can be strengthened in support of its broader objectives. Typically, this programme involves significant funding and this calls for strategic partnerships between Global Workforce Solutions and others stakeholders. Global Workforce Solutions therefore encourages interested stakeholders to contact it in ensuring that their concerns are incorporated under the aegis of this programme.

Contact Details

Shereni Jongwe l Principal Consultant l +263 913 002 275 l

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